San Diego based Therapy for Men Across California
Many men have this idea that therapy is only for people who are “really suffering.” We do a good job of convincing ourselves that our problems are not worthy of help and that we can figure it out on our own. I joking question on my website ‘how many of us (myself included) still struggle with asking for help at the hardware store or for directions when Google Maps leads us astray in a new area? On one hand it is funny, but on the other, it is RIDICULOUSLY stupid! How the hell am I supposed to fix something that I know nothing about? Why would I know where I’m going if I’ve never been there before? Jeopardizing our masculinity is the last thing we ever want to do; being vulnerable in the face of adversity isn’t an option. I’m supposed to have this all figured out, right?
Now, these are rather crude examples, but I think it’s similar to reaching out for help with emotional or behavioral issues. We should be able to solve these things our my own, without professional help, right? Wrong. If the transmission in my car is stuck in first gear, I can probably get to where I’m going, but there’s going to be a heck of a lot more strain on the engine and I’m almost guaranteed to break more stuff along the way. The same goes for our mental health! It’s just not reasonable to try to go through life stuck in first gear. I’m way more interested in cruising down the highway with a smile on my face and my favorite music blasting.
Men that come to therapy are some of the bravest, manliest dudes I know. You have to be brave to SHOW UP and take responsibility for yourself, your relationships, and your future. Own the shit that happened in the past, and decide that enough is enough and it’s time to make a positive change.
It’s 2022. Man up, get the help.
Schedule a Free 15 minute Consultation